

Rabu, 08 Juni 2011

project jurassic park

cigarette art......
Teringat kembali lima belas tahun yang lalu sekitar tahun 1996 saat berburu biawak bersama kawan kawan di sungai dekat kediamannku yang damai dan tentram bernama purwakarta salah satu kabupaten di jawa barat,
tulang biawak hasil tangkapan biasanya ane langsung jadikan satu karya menyerupai fosil binatang purbakala (dinosaurus dan sejenisnya)..tapi sayang hasil karya yang dulu gak sempat di dokumentasikan ...( karena banyak juga teman yang meminta karya ane dulu....ahahaha..alasannya buat kenang2an....)
tapi kalo dipikir pikir kasihan juga tuch biawak ya gan ...tapi itu dulu..namun sekarang ane bisa berkarya lagi tapi tidak dengan mengandalkan tulang biawak sebagai bahan dasarnya....triiiiiing ane sulap ratusan  bekas filter rokok jadi sebuah reflika dinosaurus...ahahaha..lebih berkeprihewanan....namun hasilnya sama dengan apa yang ane harapkan.....xixixi  tentunya ada formulanya gan....ane bisikin nich ya....pake tineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrr  formulanya. nah lumayan kan buat ngurangin isi asbak biar gk numpuk....

Remembering back fifteen years ago around the year 1996 when hunting lizards with my friends in the river near my house is peaceful and serene named one of Purwakarta district in western Java,

bone catches lizards usually make one work directly ane resemble fossils of ancient animals (dinosaurs and the like) .. but unfortunately the work which had not been documented before ... (because many are also asking friends ane first work .... ahahaha. . the reason for the recalls memories ....)

but if think think pity is that lizard ... but that was before .. but now I can work again but not by relying on bone lizard as base ingredients .... I juggle hundreds of secondhand cigarette filters so dinosaurs ... ahahaha .. more environmentally friendly .... but the results are the same as what I expected ..... lol of course there is the formula, I whisper .... wore .... tineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrr formula. quite right for reducing the contents of an ashtray

nich lihat hasilnya gan............selamat mencoba..../ see the results .... good luck ............